For whatever reason one comes for shamanic work, whether it be an extraction, soul retrieval, divination, or to learn journeywork, there is a preparation needed as we begin the ceremony.
There is a well of energy that is available for our healing and spiritual helpers waiting to be called upon to come assist. Imagine a resevoir of water behind a dam. To get the water flowing we must dig a trench, and then the water will flow.
For shamanic work to be effective and in order to build up the energy in order to call it in, I will perform a ritual ceremony, by praying, drumming, and singing sacred songs that hold the medicine. This will open the gates allowing the spirits to come help us in your healing.
The purpose of this work is to take your burdens away. We will ask for this. The energies around you will be strong. They will present an opportunity for you to change if you allow yourself to be vulnerable, be ready and willing, and allow something to happen without knowing what it will be.
All My Relations